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Introduction to Aboriginal and Cultural Safety

February 18 @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Date: Tuesday, 18th February 2025, 9:30AM – 3:00PM

*catering will be provided*

Location: Level 6, 222 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 (Read more about Travel Contribution)

Cost: $40 (tickets can only be purchased via credit card)



VACCHOs Introduction to Aboriginal Cultural Safety training encompasses, and builds on, cultural awareness content by providing considerations and advice to implement cultural safety considerations into practice. Participant learning and understanding are enhanced by the personal stories and the lived experience of our facilitators while exploring Aboriginal identities, cultures, and history.

The session covers:

  • Understanding cultural safety and its importance in increasing service accessibility and effective engagement with Australia’s First Peoples.
  • The historical and ongoing impacts of colonisation and colonial policies on Australia’s First
  • Peoples culture and Communities
  • Trauma-informed practice
  • First Peoples diverse identities; respectful terminology and language
  • Cultural Load and its impacts on individuals, Communities, and organisations
  • How Equity and Self-determination are vital to cultural safety
  • Foundational skills to implement cultural safety into practice
  • Fostering respectful relationships with First Peoples and Communities
  • A timeline of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Strength and Resilience


Eligibility Criteria

Workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.

Terms & Conditions

Refunds are available up to 1 day prior to the event. Please ensure you have clearance from your line manager to attend. If you cannot attend, cancel your registration at least 24 hours before the cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waitlist.

Introduction to Aboriginal and Cultural Safety

Training Mode Face to Face
Level 6, 222 Hoddle Street
Abbotsford, VIC 3067 Australia

VAADA acknowledges the support of the Victoria Government