Training Types
Your Elevate Training Calendar contains both Non-Accredited and Accredited training types, including the AOD Skillset and Youth-focussed AOD Skillset. Below, you will also find information on enrolment, advice on overcoming barriers to learning and assessment, and a note on delivery modes.
The calendar is currently funded until December 2025Who’s this initiative for?
What is Accredited Training?
A Unit of Competency or Vocational Education Training (VET) Unit is the smallest component of a Training Package. Similar to a subject within a university course, it is assessed and formally recognised.
Units of competency define skills and knowledge needed, and how to apply them in a workplace context. Accredited training units sit within Certificate and Diploma level courses and are not graded like University courses are. Instead, you will receive either a Competent or Not yet Competent result, similar to receiving a Pass or Fail.
What if I Experience Barriers To Testing?
If you are someone who previously has struggled in test situations, you have a disability that impairs or makes it difficult for you to complete an assessment or if English is not your first language, training providers may be able to provide Reasonable Adjustments. Reasonable Adjustments are adapted supports to training and assessments that help meet your needs.
You will need to speak with the training provider directly to describe your circumstances so they can make a plan with you prior to you starting training. It would be best to consider that completing a unit of competency will require you to put aside several hours every week outside of the classroom to finish reading and assessment pieces also.
VET units are formally recognised, so Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are required to keep specific information about participants who enrol. For this reason, you should know that the enrolment process for all accredited training is an involved process that requires some time and organisation.
Firstly, get your Unique Student Identifier (USI). All RTOs must input a USI for each student that receives a unit of competency through their organisation.
If you don’t have a USI, it is easy to register for one here.
If you have studied before but can’t find your USI, you can find it here
How to enrol successfully
You will need 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the enrolment form on a PC or laptop rather than a mobile phone.
You will need to supply your personal details, your highest level of secondary schooling, and any post-secondary qualifications you’ve successfully completed. Your details will be recorded against your qualification and will need to be correct.
If you have any queries about any of the training, reach out directly to the training provider. If you have general enquiries about the Elevate Training Calendar, send a message to the Elevate Team here at VAADA.
A note on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process involving assessing an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) and other life experience to determine if they meet the requirements for a unit of competency. The funding awarded by the State Government for the Elevate! program excludes funding for an RPL process. If you are looking for RPL, contact the relevant RTO to find out if they offer this service and any fees for RPL.
AOD Skillset Training
What is the AOD Skill Set?
A Skill Set is a combination of different Units of Competency which link to a defined industry or job role. In 2006 the Victorian Government defined the units of competencies that make up the minimum qualification for workers in the AOD sector.
Can I Still Enrol in the Skillset if I have a higher level qualification?
Even if you already have a higher qualification than the minimum skillset competencies, you can still enrol into the AOD skillset and benefit from the training.
The four core competencies detailed in the alcohol and other drugs skill set are:
Non-accredited Training
Non-accredited training, while not assessed and formally recognised, does offer specific skills development by providers with subject-matter experts. You will likely be familiar with the providers of the non-accredited training under Elevate! as they regularly deliver training to the AOD sector. You can search for specific training in the calendar to help you address skills gaps by clicking the button below.
If you have any queries about any of the training on offer, contact the training provider directly or if you have general queries about the Elevate training calendar, send a message to the Elevate Team here at VAADA.
Delivery Modes
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to predict how training will be delivered by providers and we hope this will change in the near future.
Some of the training will be offered multiple times throughout 2022. We suggest you regularly check the calendar for changes in the mode of delivery as the situation with COVID changes.
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