CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Skillset

Turning Point (RTO 6948) has been contracted by the Department of Health (DH Victoria) to deliver competency training and assessment opportunities to the Victorian AOD workforce.
This training targets employees currently in the AOD sector and employed in DH-funded AOD Services. Turning Point staff delivering the AOD competencies have clinical experience and meet the training and assessment requirements outlined in the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

Selection Criteria:

To enrol in the CHCSS00093 AOD Skill Set you must work in a publically funded organisation in the Victorian AOD sector.

Who is not eligible?

  • Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.
  • People who have partially completed the skillset

Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager before enrolling.

Do not enrol if you cannot guarantee you can complete this course.  If you change your mind, cancel your registration immediately to make room for someone else.


Enrolment Process

  • Enrolment is by Expression of Interest (EOI) only and includes all four units of competency.  Applicants must be currently employed in Victorian DH-funded services to be eligible to apply for this training. This is an expression of interest only, and you must be available to attend all mandatory virtual classes advertised for all units of competency. These four (4) units of competency are part of the AOD Skill Set
  • You will be notified via email if you have been successful in securing a place and you will be required to accept your offer by a due date, as demand for this skill set is high and there are limited places
  • To begin the EOI process click ENROL NOW at the bottom of this page and then on the BEGIN EOI button.  You must complete the EOI to be considered for this course.  Enrolment in Elevate only does not guarantee your place


Course outline


CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drug context

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and work within the current context, philosophy and values of the AOD sector.

This unit applies to workers who work with clients affected by alcohol and other drugs.


Online and virtual classes:

Online Learning Management System (LMS): opens Monday 29 January 2024 – Friday 22 March 2024.

Mandatory virtual classes from 9.30am – 1:00pm on the 8, 15, 29 February 2024


CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and conduct assessments of AOD clients to determine eligibility, service requirements and referral needs. This includes knowledge of factors affecting assessment for a range of different client groups, including different genders, youth, older people, mandated and voluntary clients, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This unit applies to people who assess clients with AOD issues using established organisation or jurisdictional AOD assessment tools.


Online and virtual classes:

Online LMS: opens  Monday 22 April 2024 –  Friday 21 June 2024

Mandatory virtual classes 9.30am – 1:00pm on the 2, 9, 16 May 2024


CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drug treatment plans

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively with clients to establish treatment goals and to develop and evaluate individual treatment plans to meet those goals.

The purpose of the training is to enable participants to develop treatment plans with and for clients with AOD issues on the basis of an existing assessment and within established organisation guidelines.


Online and virtual classes:

Online LMS: opens Monday, 15 July 2024 – Friday 6 September 2024.

Mandatory virtual classes 9.30am – 1.00pm on the 25 July & 8 and 22 August 2024.


CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drug issues

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to confirm, conduct and monitor evidence-based intervention strategies to address alcohol and other drug issues. This unit includes applying standard processes and procedures to effectively manage tasks and contingencies required in the context of the work role.

The purpose of the training is to enable participants to develop the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to prepare clients for interventions and deliver those interventions under supervision within the scope of an established individual treatment plan.


Online and virtual classes:

Online LMS: opens Monday 7 October 2024 – Friday 29 November 2024.

Mandatory virtual classes 9.30am – 1:00pm on the 16, 23 October and 6 November 2024.

All units of competency are assessed, and you will be required to complete assessment tasks.


CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skillset

This skill set reflects the skill requirements for support workers providing services to clients with alcohol and other drugs issues.  It is the minimum qualification standard for workers in the Victorian AOD sector.

The Department of Health fully funds the AOD Skillset offered under Elevate.


  • You must work within the Victorian AOD Sector in a State-funded AOD service.
  • You must undertake the entire skill set.  If you have completed any units in the past, you are not eligible* to enrol.
  • You must have clearance from your line manager to attend workshops during work hours.  All workshops are compulsory.

*We may take on students with only one or two units to complete, provided a spot becomes available in any of the units.  If you wish to go on the waitlist, email with the units you need to complete.  Please note it is not a guarantee you will get a place in this course.

Please read all the following information carefully.

  • Once you enrol via Elevate!, you will need to complete enrolment with Uniting (see instructions below)
  • The skillset comprises four units: CHCAOD001, 004,009 and 006.  You must attend all workshops. 
  • Workshops take place during work hours in-person
  • Unit start dates occur before the workshop dates
  • Rural and regional participants may be eligible for travel contribution


Course Details

Induction and Orientation (attendance mandatory)

Date: Tuesday 22nd August, 2023

10:00AM-12:00PM Online


CHCAOD001 Work in An alcohol and Other Drugs Context – Start Tuesday 22nd August 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and work within the current context, philosophy and values of the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector.

This unit applies to AOD workers with clients affected by alcohol and other drugs.

1-day Workshop (attendance mandatory)

Date: Tuesday 29th August, 2023

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM – in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg


Tutorials (optional)

Dates to be confirmed


CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and/or other drugs issues – Start Friday 15th September 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and conduct assessments of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) clients to determine eligibility, service requirements and referral needs. This includes knowledge of factors affecting assessment for a range of different client groups, including different genders, youth, older people, mandated and voluntary clients, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This unit applies to AOD workers who assess clients using established organisational or jurisdictional AOD assessment tools.

3-day Workshop (attendance mandatory)

Date: Monday 18th – Wednesday 20th September

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg


Tutorials (optional)

Online – Dates to be confirmed


CHCAOD009  Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans. Start date Friday 13th October 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively with clients to establish treatment goals and to develop and evaluate individual treatment plans to meet those goals.

This unit applies to workers who develop treatment plans with and for clients with alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues based on an existing assessment and within established organisation guidelines. The plan’s development may be autonomous or collaborative, depending on the context. Workers may or may not be the person conducting the assessment.

2-day Workshop (attendance mandatory)

Date: Thursday 19th October and Friday 20th October, 2023

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg


Tutorials (optional)

Online – Dates to be confirmed


CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues. Start date Friday 17th November 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to confirm, conduct and monitor intervention strategies to address alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues.

This unit applies to workers who support people with AOD issues within the scope of an established individual treatment plan. Interventions would be ongoing and conducted under the guidance of a supervisor.

2-day Workshop (attendance required)

Date: Wednesday 22nd November and Thursday 23rd November

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg


Tutorials (optional)

Online – Dates to be confirmed

Check with Uniting for due dates for all Assessment tasks


To enrol:

Change ENROL NOW to I’m Going below

Refresh this screen (click the reload button in your browser)

Click on COMPLETE ENROLMENT to visit Uniting’s enrolment portal.

CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skillset – Adult

This skill set reflects the skill requirements for support workers providing services to clients with alcohol and other drugs issues.

It is the minimum qualification standard for workers in the Victorian AOD sector.

The AOD Skillset offered under Elevate is fully funded by the Department of Health.  To be eligible, you must work within the Victorian AOD Sector in a State-funded AOD service.


Please read the following information carefully.

The skillset comprises of four units: CHCAOD001, 004, 006, 009.  You must attend all workshops. 


Workshops take place during work hours


Course Details

CHCAOD001 Work in An alcohol and Other Drugs Context – Start 4th April 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and work within the current context, philosophy and values of the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector.

This unit applies to workers who come into contact with clients affected by alcohol and other drugs.

Induction (attendance required)

Date: 4th April, 2023

11:30AM – 1:00PM – online

Workshop (attendance required)

Date: 11th April, 2023 (NEW!)

9:00AM – 4:30PM – in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg

Tutorials (optional)

Date: 14th April, 2023

Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM online

Date: 21st April, 2023

Time: 3:00PM – 4:00PM online


CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and/or other drugs issues – Start 9th May 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and conduct assessments of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) clients to determine eligibility, service requirements and referral needs. This includes knowledge of factors affecting assessment for a range of different client groups including different genders, youth, older people, mandated and voluntary clients, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This unit applies to people involved in the assessment of clients with AOD issues using established organisation or jurisdictional AOD assessment tools.

Workshop (attendance required)

Date: 9th May 2023

9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg

Workshop (optional – if cannot attend in person)

Date: 26th May, 2023

9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg

Tutorials (optional)

Date: 9th June, 2023

Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM online

Date: TBA

Time:  3:00PM – 4:00PM online


CHCAOD006 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and/or other drugs issues – Start date –  July 11th 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively with clients to establish treatment goals, and to develop and evaluate individual treatment plans to meet those goals. This unit applies to workers who develop treatment plans with, and for, clients with alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues on the basis of an existing assessment and within established organisation guidelines. Depending on the context, development of the plan may be autonomous or collaborative. Workers may or may not be the person conducting the assessment

Workshop (attendance required)

Date: 11th July, 2023

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg

Workshop (attendance required)

Date: 28th July

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg

Tutorials (optional)

Date: TBA

Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM online

Date: 3rd August, 2023

Time: 3:00PM – 4:00PM online


CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans – Start date 8th September 2023

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to confirm, conduct and monitor intervention strategies to address alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues. This unit applies to workers who provide support to people with AOD issues within the scope of an established individual treatment plan. Interventions would be ongoing and be conducted under the guidance of a supervisor.

Workshop (attendance required)

Date: 8th September

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg

Workshop (optional – if can’t attend in person)

Date: 25th September, 2023

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM in person

Address:  26 Jessie St Coburg


Date: TBA

Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM online

Date: 21st September, 2023

Time: 3:00PM – 4:00PM online

Check with Uniting for due dates for all Assessment tasks


Odyssey House Victoria has more than 30 years of experience providing alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment services in Victoria. Part of Odyssey’s remit is to provide AOD workforce development through its activities as an enterprise based registered training organisation – trading as Odyssey Institute (RTO 20995).

Odyssey House Victoria Head Office
660 Bridge Rd
Richmond VIC 3121
Ph: 03 9420 7600
Oct 24
CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skill Set
clock Duration: 4 Months
location Delivery Mode: Blended


This program reflects the skill requirements for professionals providing services to clients with alcohol and other drugs issues.  The Skill Set consists of all four units of competency. Enrolment into individual units of the skillset is also accepted.

clock Timetable:
location Details:


  • Training Type: Accredited, AOD Skill Set
  • Topic: AOD Intake & Comprehensive Assessment, Case Work, Harm Minimisation, Harm Reduction, Treatment
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: Adult
  • Location: 

    Scheduled online sessions

About this training:

IMPORTANT: registrations for training will become live approximately two months prior to start of training. To enrol in this or any training, you must click the link and fill in the registration. If you do not complete the registration, you will not have a place in the training. If you experience a broken link, please get in touch with us at



This program reflects the skill requirements for professionals providing services to clients with alcohol and other drugs issues.
The Skill Set consists of all four units of competency that make up the AOD skillset:

  • CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
  • CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues
  • CHOAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans
  • CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues

The AOD Skill Set consists of four competencies and is delivered over a period of 20 – 32 weeks dependent upon student needs and experience.  Enrolment into individual units of the skillset are also accepted.

Provider: Odyssey House Victoria

Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.
Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.


Odyssey House Victoria has more than 30 years of experience providing alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment services in Victoria. Part of Odyssey’s remit is to provide AOD workforce development through its activities as an enterprise based registered training organisation – trading as Odyssey Institute (RTO 20995).

Odyssey House Victoria Head Office
660 Bridge Rd
Richmond VIC 3121
Ph: 03 9420 7600
Apr 29
29/04/2022 CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skill Set
clock Duration: 4 Months
location Delivery Mode: Blended


This program reflects the skill requirements for professionals providing services to clients with alcohol and other drugs issues.  The Skill Set consists of all four units of competency. Enrolment into individual units of the skillset is also accepted.

To enrol:

You must login to your Elevate account to enrol into this training. If you do not have an account, click Sign Up in the top right corner and follow the instructions to activate your account then come back to this training to complete enrolment.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

Friday 29th April – 22nd October 2022


  • Training Type: Accredited, AOD Skill Set
  • Topic: AOD Intake & Comprehensive Assessment, Case Work, Harm Minimisation, Harm Reduction, Treatment
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: Adult
  • Location: 

    Scheduled online sessions

About this training:

IMPORTANT: registrations for this training will become live on the 14th February.  To enrol in this or any training, you must click the link and fill in the registration. If you do not complete the registration, you will not have a place in the training. If you experience a broken link, please get in touch with us at****

This program reflects the skill requirements for professionals providing services to clients with alcohol and other drugs issues.
The Skill Set consists of all four units of competency that make up the AOD skillset:

  • CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
  • CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues
  • CHOAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans
  • CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues

The AOD Skill Set consists of four competencies and is delivered over a period of 20 – 32 weeks dependent upon student needs and experience.  Enrolment into individual units of the skillset are also accepted.

Provider: Odyssey House Victoria

Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.
Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.


Uniting RTO has provided training to industry workers since 2000. Our comprehensive training is practical, evidence-based and blended to meet the needs of students and industry. Training programs are developed and delivered by trainers with solid industry and training experience, regularly reviewed through industry consultation, latest research, evaluations and consumer input. Uniting offers nationally recognised training: CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skill Set HLTAID011 Provide First aid HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

26 Jessie St
Coburg VIC 3058
Ph: 03 9386 2876
Mar 07
07/03/2022 CHCSS00093 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skillset
clock Duration: 4 Months
location Delivery Mode: Blended

Register your expression of interest now for all four units in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Skill Set CHCSS00093, delivered by Uniting.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

CHCAOD001 – Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
Starts: 7th March + workshops

CHCAOD004 – Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues
Starts: 12th April + workshops

CHCAOD009 – Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans
Starts: 10th May + workshops

CHCAOD006 – Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues 
Starts: 6th June + workshops

  • Training Type: Accredited, AOD Skill Set
  • Topic: AOD Counselling, AOD Intake & Comprehensive Assessment, Harm Minimisation, Treatment
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: Adult
  • Location: 

    Blended Online Learning as well as some face to face workshops held at 26 Jessie Street, Coburg

About this training:

The four units listed below are included in the CHCSS00093 Skill Set for AOD workers. This training:

  • Provides skills and knowledge required to establish and work with; philosophy and values of the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector.
  • Conduct assessments of (AOD) clients to determine eligibility, service requirements and referral needs.
  • To establish treatment goals and to develop and evaluate individual treatment plans to meet those goals.
  • Conduct and monitor intervention strategies to address (AOD) issues. Interventions would be ongoing and be conducted under the guidance of a supervisor.

Units of competency:

  • CHCAOD001 – Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
  • CHCAOD004 – Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues
  • CHCAOD009 – Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans
  • CHCAOD006 – Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues
Provider: Uniting

Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.

Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.


Turning Point is a national treatment, research and education centre providing leadership in alcohol, drug, gambling and mental health sectors in Victoria. Combining research in clinical, population health and policy fields with service innovation, Turning Point assists services, communities and the Victorian government respond to alcohol, drug and gambling issues.

110 Church St
Richmond VIC 3121
Ph: 03 8413 8413
Jan 31
31/01/22 Alcohol and Other Drugs Skillset CHCSS00093 (Youth Focused and Lived Experience)
clock Duration: See dates and classes below
location Delivery Mode: Online

Apply now for all four units in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Skill Set CHCSS00093, delivered by Turning Point in partnership with YSAS and SHARC, focusing on youth and the lived experience. All four units will be delivered online, with virtual classes co delivered by the three partner organizations.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drug context

Online and virtual classes:
Monday 31st January 2022 – Friday 25th March 2022
Mandatory virtual classes from 9.30am – 2:00pm on the 8th and 15th February and the 1st March 2022

CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues

Online and virtual classes:
Tuesday 26th April 2022 – Friday 24th June 2022
Mandatory virtual classes 9.30am – 2:00pm on the 5th, 12th and 19th May 2022.

CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans

Online and virtual classes:
Monday 18th July 2022 – Friday 9th September 2022
Mandatory virtual classes 9.30 AM – 2 PM on the 27th July and 10th and 24th August 2022.

CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues

Online and virtual classes:
Monday 3rd October 2022 – Friday 25th November 2022
Mandatory virtual classes 9.30am -2:00pm on the 12th and 19th October and the 2nd November 2022.

  • Training Type: Accredited, AOD Skill Set
  • Topic: Diversity, Family, Harm Reduction, Treatment
  • Priority Population: Youth
  • Age Group: Youth
  • Location: 

    Online with virtual classes

About this training:

IMPORTANT: registrations for training will become live approximately two months prior to start of training. To enrol in this or any training, you must click the link below and fill in the registration. If you do not complete the registration, you will not have a place in the training. If you experience a broken link, please get in touch with us at



Turning Point (RTO 6948) has been contracted by the Department of Health (DH Victoria) to provide competency training and assessment opportunities to the Victorian AOD workforce.

This training is targeted at new employees currently in the AOD sector and has been contextualised for the AOD sector.  In developing and delivering this skill set, Turning Point has worked with YSAS and SHARC, experts in understanding young people and their alcohol and drug use.  Trainers with relevant experience within the Youth AOD Sector and Lived Experience in the Victorian AOD sector are involved in the delivery of these competencies.

Units of Competency: 

CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drug context
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and work within the current context, philosophy and values of the AOD sector and applies to workers who come into contact with clients affected by alcohol and other drugs.

CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and conduct assessments of AOD clients to determine eligibility, service requirements and referral needs.  This includes knowledge of factors affecting assessment for a range of different client groups including different genders, youth, older people, mandated and voluntary clients, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This unit applies to people involved in the assessment of clients with AOD issues using established organisation or jurisdictional AOD assessment tools.

CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work collaboratively with clients to establish treatment goals and to develop and evaluate individual treatment plans to meet those goals.

The purpose of the training is to enable participants to develop treatment plans with, and for, clients with AOD issues on the basis of an existing assessment and within established organisation guidelines.

CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issues

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to confirm, conduct and monitor evidence-based intervention strategies to address alcohol and other drugs issues. This unit includes applying standard processes and procedures to effectively manage tasks and contingencies required in the context of the work role.

The purpose of the training is to enable participants to develop the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to prepare clients for interventions and deliver those interventions under supervision, within the scope of an established individual treatment plan.

Provider: Turning Point

Eligibility Criteria

To enrol in the CHCSS00093 AOD Skills Set you must be employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

This is an expression of interest only and you must be available to attend all mandatory virtual classes advertised for all units of competency.  These four (4) units of competency are part of the AOD Skills Set.

You will be notified via email if you have been successful in securing a place and you will be required to accept your offer by a due date, as demand for this skillset is high and there are limited places.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.

Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.