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Turning Point is a national treatment, research and education centre providing leadership in alcohol, drug, gambling and mental health sectors in Victoria. Combining research in clinical, population health and policy fields with service innovation, Turning Point assists services, communities and the Victorian government respond to alcohol, drug and gambling issues.

110 Church St
Richmond VIC 3121
Em: Marion.Brophy@easternhealth.org.au
Ph: 03 8413 8413
web: turningpoint.org.au
Nov 24
Take Note! Case Notes Essentials for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector
clock Duration: 1 day
location Delivery Mode: Online

Training full

An evidence-based introduction to writing effective, clinically relevant and legally compliant case notes for the alcohol and other drugs sector.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

Thursday 24th November, 9:30am – 3:00pm

  • Training Type: Non-accredited
  • Topic: Case Work
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: All
  • Location: 


About this training:

This training aims to place alcohol and other drug (AOD) workers in a position to understand the benefits of writing effective case notes for them, their clients, and their workplace. It will provide participants with key examples, resources and activities to develop essential skills required for effective case note writing, record-keeping, and information sharing.

It will include the following:

  • An introduction to case notes (definitions, purpose)
  • An overview of evidence-based practice and principles for developing clinically-relevant and compliant case notes
  • An understanding of the legal context and important concepts (e.g., consent, disclosure, confidentiality, privacy, access, ownership, record-keeping and reporting)
  • Consideration of ethical and operational barriers to case note writing; and practical tips and resources for efficiently writing effective case notes


Rita Brien (Turning Point, Workforce Development)

Dr Adam Rubenis (Turning Point, Specialist Clinical Services).

Provider: Turning Point

Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.

Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.