Elevate! Learn, upskill and master.
Training now full
VACCHO's Introduction to Aboriginal Cultural Safety training encompasses, and builds on, cultural awareness content by providing considerations and advice to implement cultural safety considerations into practice. Participant learning and understanding are enhanced by the personal stories and lived experience of our facilitators while exploring Aboriginal identities, cultures, and history.
IMPORTANT: registrations for training will become live approximately two months prior to start of training. To enrol in this or any training, you must click the link below and fill in the registration. If you do not complete the registration, you will not have a place in the training. If you experience a broken link, please get in touch with us at elevate@vaada.org.au
VACCHO’s Introduction to Aboriginal Cultural Safety training aims to provide the necessary foundational knowledge to enable participants to:
- Develop a greater understanding of Aboriginal cultural and social perspectives
- Engage meaningfully with Aboriginal peoples and Communities
- Strengthen existing relationships and integrate cultural safety into practice
- Identify ways to embed and apply learnings in professional and personal contexts.
Session topics include:
- The historical and intergenerational impacts of colonisation and policies and how they have shaped Aboriginal culture, peoples and Communities
- Aspects of Aboriginal identities, culture and protocols
- Fostering respectful relationships with Aboriginal peoples and Communities
- Foundational skills and strategies for implementing cultural safety into practice
Eligibility Criteria
This training is suitable for anyone interested in gaining the necessary knowledge and understandings to effectively communicate, engage, and work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples in a culturally safe manner.
This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.
Who is not eligible?
Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.
Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.
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