Elevate! Learn, upskill and master.


Harm Reduction Victoria is a state-wide health promotion organisation that aims to advance the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs in Victoria by creating an environment in which individuals are not stigmatised for their drug use or health status. We are guided by the evidence that harm reduction is effective and the position that drug related issues should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal issue.

128 Peel St
North Melbourne VIC 3051
Em: admin@hrvic.org.au
Ph: 03 9329 1500
web: hrvic.org.au
Mar 09
09/03/22 Harm Reduction Masterclass
clock Duration: 2 x Half-Days
location Delivery Mode: Online


Harm Reduction Masterclass: learn the principles and best practice with peer expert trainers from Harm Reduction Victoria. Learn alongside our living experience trainers about what clients who use drugs really want and need from our services. Essential for all new and established workers in the AOD and BBV workforces.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

Two half-day:

Day 1: 12:30am – 5:00pm
Day 2: 9:30am – 1:00pm

  • Training Type: Non-accredited
  • Topic: Harm Reduction
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: All
  • Location: 



About this training:

IMPORTANT: registrations for training will become live approximately two months prior to start of training. To enrol in this or any training, you must click the link below and complete the registration. If you do not complete the registration, you will not have a place in the training. If you experience a broken link, please get in touch with us at elevate@vaada.org.au


The Harm Reduction Masterclass comprises of seven modules over two half-days, each one designed to give you a basic understanding of each topic:


Harm Reduction 101

  • Understand the history of harm reduction in Victoria & Australia.
  • Understand the National Drug Strategy policy of Harm Minimisation and how Harm Reduction fits in to this policy.
  • Understand the Substance, Set and Setting principles as a way to understand an individual’s drug experience.

Safer Injecting

  •  Understand safer injecting practices, including injecting sites; using a tourniquet, and infection & Blood Borne Virus risk.
  • Understand the circulatory system and the difference between veins and arteries.
  • Understand through “hands-on” demonstration the drug mixing up process and the transmission risk points during the process.

Drug Overdose & Adverse Effects

  • Understand some of the common myths around opioid overdose.
  • Be able to recognize the signs of overdose and of and actions to take in different circumstances
  • Understand when and how to intervene in overdose situations.

Naloxone Administration

  • Understand where to obtain naloxone for clients
  • Understand the different formulations of naloxone available
  • Understand the difference between someone who is ‘on the nod’ or overdosing and the appropriate time to administer naloxone.


Introduction to Pharmacotherapy

  • Be aware of the pharmacotherapy options available to PWUD in Victoria.
  • Understand how to access pharmacotherapy in Victoria.
  • Be aware of Victoria’s “broken system”

Working Effectively with people who use drugs

  • Understand barriers to doing effective work with people who use drugs (PWUD), in particular people who inject drugs
  • Understand and challenge the ‘gateway drug’ theory.
  • Understand common myths about PWID; the effects of criminalisation and stigma on the health of PWUD

Stigma & Discrimination

  • Understand how stigma and discrimination act as a barrier in healthcare settings.
  • Understand how frameworks of morality and social discourse frame our understanding of drug use.
  • Understand how we can all contribute to eliminating stigma and discrimination in ourselves and our services
Provider: HRVIC

Eligibility Criteria

There is an activity that needs to be completed before attending the second day of training. Participants will receive details via email in the week before the training.

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.

Please ensure you have clearance to attend from your line manager. If you are unable to attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.