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Caraniche is a specialist provider of mental health, drug and alcohol and psychological services to a wide range of clients and customers throughout Victoria. For over 25 years, we have been proud to work with some of the most marginalised people in our society, helping them to get their lives back on track, achieve their potential and improve their mental health and wellbeing. At the heart of everything we do is building connections to improve our clients’ lives.

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Abbotsford VIC 3067
Em: admin@caraniche.com.au
Ph: (03) 8417 0500
web: caraniche.com.au
Oct 11
Advanced Forensic Training
clock Duration: Two half-days
location Delivery Mode: Online

Enrolment Now Open

The Advanced AOD Forensics Training is delivered as either a full-day face-to-face training or two half-days online. It is targeted at senior AOD clinicians working with forensic clients who present with multiple complexities.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

Tuesday 11th October Day 1: 9:30am – 1:30pm

Wednesday 12th  October Day 2: 9:30am – 1:30pm

  • Training Type: Non-accredited
  • Topic: Forensic
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: Adult
  • Location: 


About this training:

The Advanced AOD Forensics Training is delivered as either a full-day face-to-face training or two half-days online. It is targeted at senior AOD clinicians working with forensic clients who present with multiple complexities, including personality disorders, significant mental health issues and other co-morbidities in addition to their substance use. The training is delivered by experienced forensic clinicians and provides knowledge and skills for working with complex forensic clients in AOD settings.

What is covered?
The training covers the key challenges in working with complex forensic clients, understanding and strategies for working with these complexities, knowledge about how to work safely with complex forensic clients including those who have committed violent and sexual offences. The training also provides an opportunity to apply the information to your own practice using case examples and group discussion exercises.

Provider: Caraniche

Eligibility Criteria

This training is suited for any AOD clinician who has completed the Forensic Fundamentals training and has a minimum of 2 years’ experience with forensic clients.