Single Session Family Consultation (SSFC)

Course Description:

This training supports practitioners and AOD workers to engage and include families when working with clients. SSFC offers timely, accessible support to all family members while retaining a strong client–practitioner relationship. In keeping with single session thinking, it enables practitioners to make the most of each encounter with families.

  • 3-4 hour self-paced online learning unit (duration depends on your respective learning style)
  • 3-hour in-person training at The Bouverie Centre, 8 Gardiner St, Brunswick

Pre-requisite: Participants must complete a online learning component before the in-practice sessions. Links to online training will be provided to participants approximately six weeks prior to the in-practice training dates (Early October).


Learning Outcomes:

On completion of SSFC, you will be able to:

  • Understand the Single Session Thinking and Family Consultation frameworks that underpin SSFC
  • Convene, conduct and undertake follow-up as part of SSFC
  • Address challenging situations in sessions with families
  • Identify how you can incorporate SSFC into your practice


Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service.


Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria. Please ensure you have clearance from your line manager to attend. If you cannot attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.

Single Session Family Consultation (SSFC)

In this training, participants will be guided through a clearly articulated practical process for engaging families, which is ideally suited to contexts where a family member is the primary client of an individually oriented service (e.g. AOD Adult and Youth AOD services).

Course Description:

  • 3-hour self-paced online learning unit
  • 3-hour online training

Participants must complete a 3-hour online learning component before the in-practice sessions.

Links to online training will be provided to participants approximately six weeks prior to the in-practice training dates. (Early January)


Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.

Please ensure you have clearance from your line manager to attend. If you cannot attend, even if you find out the day before, please cancel your registration and make your spot available to someone else on the waiting list.


The Bouverie Centre is an integrated practice-research organisation that draws on our history of bringing family therapy to Australia to promote healthy relationships in families, organisations and communities. As a values-based learning organisation, The Bouverie Centre provides an integrated service, combining clinical family therapy, model development, academic teaching, qualitative and quantitative research, workforce development and community education.

May 25
Single Session Family Consultation
clock Duration: 3 months
location Delivery Mode: E-Learn

Enrolment Now Open

A key component of the 'From Individual to Families' framework, Single Session Family Consultation (SSFC) combines the principles and practices of Family Consultation with Single Session Thinking.

clock Timetable:
location Details:

Five, one-hour modules.

  • Training Type: Non-accredited
  • Topic: Single Session Family Consultation
  • Priority Population: All
  • Age Group: All
  • Location: 

    E-Learn course, online self-paced learning

About this training:

In this self-paced online training, Dr. Brendan O’Hanlon, a leading developer and proponent of SSFC, provides a clearly articulated practical process for engaging families, ideally suited to contexts where a family member is the primary client of an individually oriented service (e.g. adult mental health, alcohol and other drugs, youth services).

SSFC offers timely, accessible support to all family members while retaining a strong client-practitioner relationship. In keeping with Single Session thinking it enables practitioners to make the most of each encounter with families.

Listen to Dr. Brendan O’Hanlon discuss this course and discuss how it provides solid grounding in the practice frame of SSFC.


Course structure

This course is made up of five modules and includes reflective questions, videos and quizzes.

Module 1: Introducing SSFC – Describe the rationale and practice principles underpinning SSFC, and its place within a comprehensive response to families.

Module 2: Foundations of SSFC – Unpack the conceptual and practical contributions of Single Session Thinking and Family Consultation to the model.

Module 3: Convening SSFC – Outline and consideration of key tasks in convening an SSFC.

Module 4: Conducting SSFC – Describe and demonstrate the key stages of SSFC: convening, conducting and follow-up.

Module 5: Responding to challenges – Address key challenges including translating SSFC training into practice.

You will have access to a list of references, resources and tools that will support your learning.

Provider: The Bouverie Centre - La Trobe University

Eligibility Criteria

This training has been funded for workers employed in a Victorian State-funded Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service, including those who are new to the AOD sector or recently employed under the COVID-19 Workforce Initiative and Peer workers.

Who is not eligible?

Students on placement or internships, workers from other community sectors such as Family Violence, Homelessness and Mental Health and AOD workers outside of Victoria.